Incident began at 2025-01-07 13:28 and ended at 2025-01-07 21:18 (all times are US/Pacific).
The issue with Vertex Gemini API has been resolved for all affected users as of Tuesday, 2025-01-07 21:18 US/Pacific.
We thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving the issue.
Affected products: Vertex Gemini API
Affected locations: Taiwan (asia-east1), Hong Kong (asia-east2), Tokyo (asia-northeast1), Seoul (asia-northeast3), Mumbai (asia-south1), Singapore (asia-southeast1), Sydney (australia-southeast1), Warsaw (europe-central2), Finland (europe-north1), Madrid (europe-southwest1), Belgium (europe-west1), London (europe-west2), Frankfurt (europe-west3), Netherlands (europe-west4), Zurich (europe-west6), Milan (europe-west8), Paris (europe-west9), Doha (me-central1), Dammam (me-central2), Tel Aviv (me-west1), Montréal (northamerica-northeast1), São Paulo (southamerica-east1), Iowa (us-central1), South Carolina (us-east1), Northern Virginia (us-east4), Columbus (us-east5), Dallas (us-south1), Oregon (us-west1), Las Vegas (us-west4)