Incident began at 2025-01-08 09:36 and ended at 2025-01-08 11:43 (all times are US/Pacific).
Mini Incident Report
We apologize for the inconvenience this service disruption/outage may have caused. We would like to provide some information about this incident below. Please note, this information is based on our best knowledge at the time of posting and is subject to change as our investigation continues. If you have experienced impact outside of what is listed below, please reach out to Google Cloud Support using
(All Times US/Pacific)
Incident Start: 3 January 2025 12:14
Incident End: 8 January 2025 11:08
Duration: 5 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes
Affected Services and Features:
Google SecOps (Chronicle Security) – SOAR Permissions
europe, europe-west12, europe-west2, europe-west3, europe-west6, europe-west9, asia-northeast1, asia-south1, asia-southeast1, australia-southeast1, me-central1, me-central2, me-west1, northamerica-northeast2, southamerica-east1
Google SecOps (Chronicle Security) experienced an increase in permission errors for non-admin users accessing SOAR cases. From preliminary analysis, the issue was due to a software defect introduced by a recent service update that had been rolled out to non-US regions.
The issue was fully mitigated once the affected service update was rolled back, restoring service for all affected users.
Customer Impact:
- When a non-admin user attempted to access the SOAR cases view, they received a 403 error.
Affected products: Chronicle Security
Affected locations: Tokyo (asia-northeast1), Mumbai (asia-south1), Singapore (asia-southeast1), Sydney (australia-southeast1), Multi-region: europe, Turin (europe-west12), London (europe-west2), Frankfurt (europe-west3), Zurich (europe-west6), Paris (europe-west9), Doha (me-central1), Dammam (me-central2), Tel Aviv (me-west1), Toronto (northamerica-northeast2), São Paulo (southamerica-east1)